I’m not talking about financial help here. This is all about you as an individual. The type of practical support available for business owners. I’m sure you would agree this is a sensitive topic, nobody wants to admit they need any help.
If we were all born as natural business leaders, life would be so much simpler. The fact is we aren’t, but some people have this wealth of experience and are ready to share their knowledge. Finding the right individual to work with you will help develop and grow your business. It will also save you time and money.
There are several terms individuals will use when offering support for business owners. So, let’s have a look at some of these and what you can expect.
Focused on teaching the necessary skills through a targeted approach. Taking a specific focus such as increasing sales or improving the performance of your leadership team. Identifying the specific abilities of you or your team so you can develop and enhance those skills.
Sharing knowledge on a one-to-one basis. This covers a much broader spectrum and will include support on how to grow your business, entering international markets or maybe launching new products. Generally, a longer-term relationship covering the whole business.
This is about bringing the expertise into your business to deliver against specific objectives. It’s not just about supporting you as an individual, but more about a collaborative approach with direct actions. Likely to have a specific focus such as sales, marketing or product development.
It’s good to define the differences, but the reality is, it should be all about you. Whatever label you want to use, it will come down to the type and level of support you need for your business. 
The first big step is to accept that you need some help. To get to this point you will have already identified a need. The next step is to explore this further and develop your thinking. Don’t be worried about what it’s called, just be clear about your requirements.
As a business owner, your role is pivotal and it can be a lonely place. You may need support to help with your personal development or growing the business. If you have someone to discuss challenges with who is outside of the business, it will give you that objective viewpoint. A business mentor can see things from a different perspective, which can be very helpful. I would call this a business mentor.
A business consultant, mentor or coach can help with building more skills and expertise within the business. If you are a growing business or are moving into new markets, you may need more knowledge in certain areas. You can always find this by recruiting new staff, but your existing team may want to develop themselves. A great investment in your staff and recognition of their value to you. I would call this a business coach.
The flip side of this is to bring in business expertise on a short-term basis. Someone who knows what they are doing and can deliver results quickly. The business specialist will have a set of objectives or an understanding of what you want to achieve and will be very task orientated. I would call this a business consultant.
The reality is I think you need a combination of support and action, which is why I believe you should always focus on your requirements, rather than any business terminology. What you will end up with is a hybrid of coaching, mentoring and consultancy.
Irrespective of the label you put on business support, there are key themes associated with this area of expertise. Aspects that you can benefit from whether you choose to work with a business coach, mentor or consultant.
Because these individuals are new to your business and detached from anything that has gone previously, they can be objective. This means you can use their skills to deliver what you need without any internal influences, as is so often the barrier to change or growth.
It's ok to have a moan or get issues off your chest. Being a business owner can often put you in an isolated position. When you are able to talk to someone in confidence and get an honest view, it is incredibly refreshing. Through having a dedicated business coach, mentor or consultant that is a listening ear, this can allow for reflection before looking at the possible solutions.
Business mentors, consultants and coaches can provide a very helpful and insightful reality check. When you start on your journey, it’s not a straight line from A to B. There will be challenges and mistakes along the way. It’s all part of the learning process and you will be supported at each step. Being able to draw on an experienced individual who can offer a different perspective and alternative approaches.
External help and guidance can also keep you on track once you are on your way. There will be goals set and milestones to be hit. By having someone there to ask you the difficult questions and keep you moving forward will help in the long run. It’s about you being held accountable once you’ve agreed what needs to be done.
I often get asked this question, and the short answer is no. If you are ambitious and want to grow your business, there is nothing wrong in asking for help. For many, it’s a sign of maturity that you’re seeking the right level of expertise to take your business forward.
As I said before, if we were born as business leaders then life would be a lot simpler. But we aren’t, which is why it’s great that you can rely on others who’ve already made that journey. Tap into their knowledge and expertise to make your business more successful.
Have you used a business coach, business mentor or business consultant, and what has been your experience?
If you're interested in evolving and growing your business with the help of an expert business consultant, then please give us a call today on 01865 238 100, alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and we'll be in touch.
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