EXALTA recognises that there are occasions when there is a lack of resource to help you raise the bar. Possibly a need to fulfil a role in the interim while a position is being recruited for or where a full time position is not yet advisable or possible.
In these instances EXALTA can provide a valuable Interim service to support the ambitions of a business in flux, growth or change.
If you would like to explore how an EXALTA interim executive could play a key role in raising the bar in your organisation, please get in touch.
Imagine having a highly experienced but Part Time Business Leader or Director working on a flexible contract as little or as much as you needed.
It could help you afford the quality of Director that will facilitate significant growth or development – truly raising the bar
A Non-Executive Director can bring essential qualities to a growing business, qualities which will stand it in good stead if it is to be successful, whatever its stage in the business life-cycle
Strategic Planning, Market Strategies, Sales Growth & People Development.
It’s all about aiming higher and raising your bar!
E. info@exalta.co.uk
T. +44 (0)1865 238100
M. +44 (0)7785 904230
C9 Glyme Court, Oxford Office Village, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford. OX5 1LQ, UK
E. info@exalta.de
T. +49 (0)171 6993152
EXALTA Business Growth Limited, c/o fh+p Office for Brand Architecture, Klosterstraasse 46, 59227 Ahlen, Germany
E. nazmul@exalta.co.uk
T. +88 (0)1748 910674
M. +44 (0)7850 114774
EXALTA Business Growth Limited, House - 368, Flat - F10, Shenpara Parbata, Mirpur, 1216 Kafrul, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Business Growth
People Growth