Do you know? - Do you care?

Who Owns the Bar?

Many people are very happy if someone else owns the bar. The company bar, the team bar, even their bar….

  • They don’t want to own it because that means being responsible, accountable or liable
  • They will resist being in control of it and deny having agreed to it. They don’t want to take the blame
  • They will try to ignore the expectation and talk around it. To avoid all knowledge of it

However, if you want to raise the bar you need transparency, buy in and the cooperation of everyone to ensure success – EXALTA can help you to achieve by raising the bar.

Remember, without “buy in” the bar will stay exactly where it is and probably exactly where it was left.

Why Raise

the Bar?

Many people set their expectations as low as possible to prevent disappointment

However, if you want to achieve high levels of success, if you want to rise above…then you must raise the bar!

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Are You Ready

to Raise the Bar?

The truth is that you probably won’t raise the bar fully on your first attempt. You might not make it on your next attempt, or the next, but, you have to try, attempt, and give it a go

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